Change Management for Leaders

About This Workshop

This two- or four-hour workshop is designed to help leaders understand the change process, typical responses to change, and best practices for leadership during difficult change implementations. The Kubler-Ross theory of change will be explored as a basis for understanding the change curve. Participants will get hands-on practice navigating change, addressing change challenges, and leading an effective change process.

Is your organization undergoing any of the following?

  • Change in leadership, organizational structure, processes or procedures
  • Preparing to implement new systems
  • In the midst of change with employees having difficulty adapting
  • Hiring new leaders who need training on basic change management principles

Help employees learn to:

  • Identify phases of the change curve
  • Assess an organization’s change readiness
  • Understand change resistance dynamics
  • Explore solutions to change resistance
  • Build effective change management capacity across the organization

Course Details

  • Target Audience: Supervisors, managers, change agents
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

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