Conflict Resolution

About This Workshop

This two- or four-hour workshop is designed to provide the tools and techniques needed by participants to effectively resolve conflicts in the workplace. The resolution tools and techniques will focus on improving communication, reflection, and behaviors associated with workplace conflict. Additionally, this training will teach participants how to manage emotions during conflict, while working collaboratively toward a “win-win” resolution.

Do your employees have any of these common workforce issues?

  • Confrontational or combative behaviors
  • Difficulty finding common ground
  • Behavior-based disruption in the daily work environment
  • Negative or hostile work environment

Help employees learn to:

  • Build upon professional knowledge of conflict resolution
  • Develop skills and techniques to resolve workplace conflict
  • Identify communications and behaviors which contribute to workplace conflict
  • Apply techniques to manage emotions during conflict
  • Utilize communication and behavior based techniques in resolving conflict
  • Understand the organizational impact of conflict

Course Details

  • Target Audience:  Entry level – senior leadership
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

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