Effective Decision-Making

About This Workshop

This two- or four-hour workshop is designed to help participants make sound decisions using a well thought out decision-making process. Participants will learn to involve the right stakeholders, evaluate options, identify barriers and make effective decisions that are grounded in data analysis. Relevant decision-making scenarios will be used to provide participants a hands-on experience implementing a decision-making process.   

Do your employees have any of these common workforce issues?

  • Decisions are not well thought through
  • Lack of agreement regarding decisions
  • Decisions are arbitrary and inconsistent
  • Employees are afraid to make decisions for fear of being wrong

Help employees learn to:

  • Learn the difference between problem-solving and decision-making
  • Identify objectives for any decision
  • Evaluate alternatives and select the best option
  • Overcome common challenges in decision-making
  • Feel confident in their decisions

Course Details

  • Target Audience: Front-line employees, new supervisors, team leaders
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

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