Effective Emails

About This Workshop

In this two- or four-hour workshop, participants will discuss the importance of writing quality emails, identify the essential parts of an email message, and recognize how stylistic elements can improve an email message. Participants will also learn the three different types of email messages and how they are organized.

Do your employees have any of these common workforce issues?

  • Create emails that lack essential email elements such as subject and salutation
  • Write long emails that are not easy to follow from start to finish
  • Write emails that lack clear purpose or call to action

Help employees learn to:

  • Identify the essential parts of an email message
  • Identify and apply other stylistic elements that contribute to effective email writing
  • Describe the three most common types of email messages and how they are organized

Course Details

  • Target Audience: Individual contributors, managers, supervisors, and leaders, whose position requires them to influence through email communication
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

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