Emotional Intelligence

About This Workshop

This two- or four-hour workshop is designed to focus on managing emotions and reactions within the daily work environment. Participants will utilize practical strategies to help respond more skillfully and professionally as pressure, tension, and complexity increase in their interactions with others. Areas of focus will include recognition of feelings/emotions, reactions that affect work relationships, proper/appropriate communication, and taking responsibility for ones’ actions.

Do your employees have any of these common workforce issues?

  • Poor or unproductive attitudes
  • Inappropriate or concerning responses/reactions to daily workplace situations
  • Displays of erratic or exaggerated behaviors
  • Excessive criticism, blaming, or excuses

Help employees learn to:

  • Understand how emotional intelligence contributes to effective human relations
  • Explore the importance of positive and productive attitudes
  • Identify and employ techniques of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-management
  • Understand why emotional intelligence is so highly valued in the workplace

Course Details

  • Target Audience: Entry-level – senior leadership
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

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