Time Management

About This Workshop

This two- or four-hour workshop is designed to prepare participants to understand and utilize time management tools. Participants will understand the necessity of sticking to priorities and learn how to utilize daily and weekly planning guides/calendars for long-term success. Strategies to manage interruptions and delegate appropriately will also be provided.

Do your employees have any of these common workforce issues?

  • Regularly run late for appointments
  • Struggle to meet deadlines
  • Have poorly defined goals and difficulty setting priorities
  • Work long hours but aren’t producing effectively

Help employees learn to:

  • Take a proactive approach to time
  • Recognize the benefits of managing time
  • Limit distractions and maximize time
  • Set goals and create realistic plans to achieve them
  • Improve personal effectiveness

Course Details

  • Target Audience: Entry-level – senior leadership
  • Modality: In-person or virtual

Contact Us To Get Started